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Tourism officials and artists of PRC and the US gathered in yinchuan

2016-10-20 19:00| Publisher: admin| View: 936| Reply: 0

Abstract: On September 9, as one of the important activities of tourism year of China and the United States, 2016 China tourism high-level dialogue in ningxia yinchuan. Government officials from China and the U ...
On September 9, as one of the important activities of tourism year of China and the United States, 2016 China tourism high-level dialogue in ningxia yinchuan. Government officials from China and the United States, the two countries tourism industry elite around "learn each other, seek common development, create a new era for tourism exchange of China and the United States," this one theme, share the newest concepts of tourism development and the latest achievements. On the same day, the two sides of tourism enterprises and related organizations signed a number of cooperation agreements.

East, head of the national tourism administration, at the opening ceremony, points out that "the mechanism for the two countries the central and local department of tourism, tourist association, the tourism enterprises to build an important communication platform, the rich connotation of the china-us cooperation and promote people's communication and mutual understanding between the two countries, leading the two countries have played an important role in economic growth."
Tourist travel KeKaiLi executive director of the office of the us department of commerce, said "the United States attaches great importance to the Chinese market, the two-way tourism booming communication. By 2015, total two hundred million Chinese visitors came to the United States. In 2015, 1.2 million americans came to China to travel, showed a trend of rapid growth, market potential is tremendous."

The China national tourism administration deputy director of the study on modern hotel groups and introduce guests attended the opening speech

Ningxia hui autonomous region acting chairman salty fai welcome speech

In addition, the United States as the high-level dialogue "2016 China tourism year" important project, hope to be able to take this opportunity to deepen the tourism cooperation between government, local and for Chinese tourists to develop more high quality tourism projects and route, provide better travel services.
Is "sino-american tourism year" in 2016. Since June 2008 since launching the Chinese tourist groups to travel in business, tourism exchange of China and the United States to maintain steady development trend. In 2015, the two-way tourism exchange more than 4.75 million people, is expected to exceed 5 million this year. China's fourth largest inbound tourists become the United States, the United States a third of the inbound tourists in China.

The U.S. department of commerce tourism travel KeKaiLi executive director of the office of the speech

The U.S. travel Shang Bingkun extension, President of a speech

The guests present

On September 7, "the silk road in China, good yinchuan" 2016 China (yinchuan) international art camp opening ceremony was held in ningxia yinchuan cultural city, from the United States, Belgium, Germany, Romania and other 26 countries more than 30 artists to participate in activities, art exchange and creation.

"China and the United States tourism year" is of great significance to tourism industry of China and the United States. Especially for China's tourism industry, is to further develop the United States and the international market, expand China travel international fame and influence of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. To this end, the stamp collecting group for actively support with "sino-american tourism year" activities, especially in "charm the world become more beautiful because of you - China" series stamps publishing activities in the United States. Full display to the world China's natural beauty, the beauty of the humanities, the social beauty and ecological beauty.
American philatelic group actively advocate, as the cultural exchange between China and America through known as "the national business card," said the American stamps, offers a new carrier for the world to understand Chinese culture and channels. On the arrival of nearly 2016 Chinese and American tourism year there have been thousands of Chinese travel agencies apply to the American philatelic group published their tourist attractions in the United States stamps application. For this, the stamp collecting group will jointly with the us postal service published in succession beautiful China series of stamps.

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